Beats for Change Show #32 – Step Off The Block Mix with Kenny Keys

Client: Beats For Change
Dedication: Step Off The Block.

‘Step Off The Block’ is a film directed by Chicago’s own The Work of Will Adams. In his own words its all about the following:

“In combatting gun violence in our communities, you rarely hear anyone talking about saving the shooter. If you save the shooter, you save everyone else. The shooter has been demonized by society, so we think the shooter is the one with nothing to loose. But, the shooter has everything to lose from incarceration to death. Before the shooter hits their end game, they cause irreparable damage to multiple families and communities.”

Step Off the Block reminds us that the shooter is human and often plagued by bad decision making, lack of opportunity and a poor support system. If we can change any of these variables, we can give the shooter and their victims a chance.”